Difficulties Logging in
Posted by Chris Atherton on 19 June 2012 03:53 PM

Thank you for your enquiry.  There are a variety of reasons which may cause your login to fail.  Below are a number of causes for the failure to login:


Fastwebhosting login

If for example, when you navigate to www.ehosting.com/signin you are redirected to a page such as https://xxxx.fastwebhosting.net:8443/, you may have a corrupt cookie.  On this page your login details do not work and neither does the forgotten password link.  This is most likely caused by not exiting the control panel in the correct manor (i.e. using the logout button).


To correct this issue please remove any cookies relating for "fastwebhosting" and clear your cache.  Please see the below list for details on how to perform these actions for some of the most popular browsers:


Removal of cookies:


Clear Cache:




Blank pages


If you are able to login but can only see blank pages when trying to view your hosting subscription your firewall (software or hardware based) may be the cause of the issue.  Please ensure that port 8443 is allowed on your network.  Please contact your network administrator for more assistance.



Incorrect Password

If when you login to the eHosting control panel (www.ehosting.com/signin) you receive the error message:

Login is incorrect. Please try again.

Please check that you have entered in the username and password correctly.  If you are not sure what your password is please click on the forgotten password link below the login box.  Follow the on screen prompts, entering the email address that you use to login as the username.  An email will then be sent to your email address with details on how to reset your password.



Incorrect Password - Virtual plan

To reset your Virtual subscription’s plesk password please follow these steps:


  1. Login to the eHosting control panel (www.ehosting.com/signin)
  2. Click on the subscriptions drop down (top right) and click on the Virtual plan
  3. Click on the system tab
  4. Click on the Parallels Plesk Panel icon in the server management section
  5. Click on the reset password button


An email will then be sent to the administrative email address with instructions on how to reset



Incorrect Password – Dedicated

If you are a client with a dedicated server and you are not able to login to your dedicated server please contact eHosting support by emailing support@ehosting.com.  In order to reset your control panel password we will need you to send TWO forms of ID in the form of one of the following:


  • Passport
  • Drivers license
  • ID card
  • Certificate of incorporation


Please note that the card holder address and account address should match. If not, we will require further clarification on why this is not the case.



Forgotten username

If you are not able to login because your username is no longer active and you have forgotten your password then you will need to contact eHosting support at support@ehosting.com. In order to reset your username we will need you to send TWO forms of ID in the form of one of the following:


  • Passport
  • Drivers license
  • ID card
  • Certificate of incorporation


Please note that the card holder address and account address should match. If not, we will require further clarification on why this is not the case.